Meet Peachy

Hi everyone! My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I’ve been blogging since May 2005 but not on a professional level. Just a way to de-stress and to immortalize my thoughts, feelings and everything that’s happening in my life.
I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥.

I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie.
I am a law enforcer by profession. Can you believe that?!
But for some reasons after I graduated, looking for criminals and locking them behind bars didn’t sound like fun anymore.
I think I’m pretty friendly, it just takes time before I warm up to people. I love laughing and I cry a lot when watching sad movies.

I love cookies, cakes , chocolates and ice cream. And Sinigang is one of my favorite dishes in the world {along with Crispy Binagoongan} that’s why there is just too many versions of Sinigang here in my blog.
Well, The Peach Kitchen is about my adventure in and out of my kitchen. I came from a family of cooks.
Not professional cooks, just people who know how to cook good food. I’ve been tasting and smelling soul food since birth and I wanted to see if I can cook these old recipes myself.
This blog is also about discovery….
Discovering myself through cooking.
So you see I am a self-taught cook and a self-taught baker. Everything I make, I gauge it through my tastebuds..
I’ve also always had a passion for writing.
When I was younger, I used to always have a notebook and a pen in my bag and I write whenever I think of something.
Then I found blogging by early 2005. I found it as a way where I can release thoughts and emotions..

I’m absolutely sure by now you know I also have a passion for food.
They said that you cannot have your cake and eat it too but I found food blogging as I way where “I can have my cake and eat it at the same time.”
Other people collect stamps, other people collect antiques, wines and cars…I collect photos of food I’ve eaten and made.

Any other things that occupy your free time? Any other interest(s)?
I love watching movies and cooking but most of my free time are dedicated to my family. I play, sing, eat, watch cartoons, and do all other things with my daughter. Movie nights, date nights at home, talks while walking the dog, and of course, lovey-dovey moments are with my husband.
I tried raising an Herb Garden but I don’t think Herbs like me very much.

In March 2017 I ballooned into 185 lbs. I experienced high blood pressure for the first time and found out I am pre-diabetic and I have hypertension. So I decided to go on a three month health journey and lost 40 lbs in 3 months. (Read about How I Lost 40lbs in 3 Months here)
I completely changed my lifestyle and eating habits. You’ll find a lot of low-carb and healthy recipes here in my blog as I continue on my health journey. Don’t worry, I still love cookies and cakes and I still make them for the family but I take them in moderation.
If you feel like it you can check out my other blog too:
This is my mommy-slash-lifestyle blog where I blog about parenting and my life as a mom and as a wife. This is where I also blog about our family’s travel, beauty finds, and OOTD’s — basically products, brands, or services which I have personally used or encountered.
Thank you so much for being here and always visiting my site. You are the reason why I keep this blog up and running.♥