My daughter was sick over the weekends.Here’s a picture of us at the hospital while waiting for her laboratory results

She was trying to smile…

Her daddy came to fetch us home
My daughter was sick over the weekends.Here’s a picture of us at the hospital while waiting for her laboratory results
I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →
14 Responses
Hope she’s much better. She’s pretty. 🙂
I hope she’s better now.
here’s mine. thanks!
i hope she feels better now.
thanks..she feels so much better now..
oh my I do so hope she gets better soon. She is so cute!!
My kids are all grown so I have a scenery picture. This is my first time in this meme.
But I recognize so many from the Red Hot Drops and EC.
If you have time here is mine. But it doesn’t compare to yours!!:-))
awww, you’re poor little girl! 🙁 i hope she’s well and better now.
have a great week ahead! no more sickies!
Layered Mocha Cheesecake
Dallas World Aquarium
Take care!
cute pren… parang di nagkasit…
mine is here
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
Hope she is feeling much better now, she is very cute! Enjoy your week.
Poor little girl.. Wishing her well… here is mine http://aussietalks.com/2008/10/our-long-weekend-trip.html
Hope she is better now. She is so pretty.
She is cute…get well soon baby.
hope she feel better soon
wow, your daughter is so pretty 😉 she has your eyes