This is another way you can eat your Holiday Ham this Christmas, aside from the usual frying, according to Chef Rob Pengson.

Make a salad using ham slices, lettuce, dried cranberries, red cabbage, pine nuts, sliced apples and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Of course, he didn’t use just any other ham, he made this salad with CDO Holiday Ham.

CDO Holiday Ham is premium cut ham made from boneless meat at the hind cut of the leg. Hind leg ham isĀ tastier and meatier than hams made from other parts of the pork. Attested by the net marks, it means it is made of smoked whole meat and not scraps of pork made whole by extenders. It is very juicy and flavorful, just right to grace your table for Noche Buena. If you wanna learn more about it, just drop by http://holidayham.com.ph.

We usually make homemade ham for Christmas because nothing beats homemade ham but if you get too busy{or lazy} and you don’t have time to cook, then this is the next best thing.

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