Four Ways To a Stellar Breakfast

When you are going to start your day, you have to start it right. Breakfast is indeed the most important meal, so people should spend a lot of time planning a menu that will definitely make them ready to take on the challenges of the day.

Four Ways To a Stellar Breakfast

Still, there’s no such thing as a perfect breakfast. We all have our preferences, but what’s certain is that you will need to have a breakfast that packs all the right nutrients you require for the daily grind.

With that being said, you will need to find ways to create an early morning meal that kick-starts your body and mind, and gives you more than enough reason to seize the day.

Brew potent coffee

Let’s start our list off with a very familiar beverage, one that any adult wouldn’t want to skip. Coffee has always been our go-to fuel to start the day, and creating the right brew offers a great deal of benefits.

But like most breakfast institutions, coffee doesn’t follow a standard. It’s for this reason that the concept of a flavor profile exists. Each and every one of us has his or her preferences when it comes to coffee. One thing’s for sure, though, you will need to bring out the full potency of a cup of joe for it to be effective in starting your day off right.

For this, you will need to find coffee beans that match your flavor profile. Equally crucial is the choice of brewer, since having the right coffee machine at your house provides you the right kick for your senses. In this case, you might want to try out a Technivorm single cup brewer, which ensures that every cup you make is prepared using the right temperature. It also allows for the right process in bringing out the best of the freshly roasted beans you have just bought.

Choose the right fruits

If you’re not a fan of coffee, you can always consider alternatives such as fruits. There are some fruits that have the same qualities as your favorite pick-me-up. Apples, for example, are a great source of fiber and also a great source of natural sugar that heightens the senses.

You can also have berries for dessert. Being a staple in many cultures, a berry diet is a great way to get your fill of essential antioxidants. A handful of blueberries can help you cope with stress and at the same time reduce aging as a direct effect of stress.

Chow down on quinoa

Protein should always be the star of any breakfast meal. But while you can always opt for eggs that are rich in protein, they don’t quite help you lose weight. If you want to cut yourself down in size, you might as well try grains such as quinoa.

High in fiber, quinoa would be a perfect way to feel full at the start of the day, and without the added fat. This is because quinoa, like oats, is heavy in fiber as well as iron and manganese, which allows you to keep on going throughout the day.

Munch on whole wheat

Lastly, what’s a breakfast without carbohydrates? Sure, carbs can lead to weight gain, but we need carbs to supply us with the energy we need to be productive. In this sense, you might want to swap your favorite white bread with whole wheat slices for an extra boost of healthy carbs.

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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