That’s how you say I love you in German and that’s what I felt like telling my snack swap partner Tanja when I picked up my parcel from the post office yesterday. I mean just look at this box of german love!

Let’s start digging,shall we?

Tanja sent me lots of chocolate and gummies. She sent me a number of yogurt flavored goodies which I really really love.There are cookies, crackers, soups and caramel!

She also sent some mix- ins. Some mushroom soup, I think and Germany’s famous Knödel. It’s just the instant knödel that she sent. It’s kind of like a mixture of bread pudding and dumpling and eaten as a side dish.

Chocolate Cream Eggs
I am not really too fond of this..

Ykaie is very busy with the purple little spoons for the chocolate cream eggs.heehee

She also sent Knorr Aromat which is kinda like our Knorr cubes here but which Tanja loves to sprinkle on veggies and stuff.

This is the soup that I’m talking about. It’s really delicious. We tried sprinkling some of the Knorr Aromat on it.

Which made it more delish! This made my week! Danke vielmals, Tanja!
My diet has taken a couple of days break.
My diet has taken a couple of days break.
Wanna see more of what I received? Go to blowing peachkisses

Related post: Snack Swap
The SNACKS has arrived! Weeeee…
Snack Swap #4
Update on snack swap
From Philippines to Germany
5 Responses
That was a big package of goodies!
I love your cupcake header. I am so into cupcakes right now… to look at, not to eat!
Lots off goodies.
I wss hungry before now I’m starving. Your snacks look delicious. yum
sige kalimutan muna ang south beach diet…hehehe!
Ich Liebe dieses auch!