10 Foods That Prevent Aging and How They Work

Aging is something that everyone wants to avoid; therefore, finding foods that will slow down the aging process is beneficial. The foods that you consume on a daily basis will have a huge impact on the way that your skin looks and feels. There are huge arrays of different foods which help you to achieve younger skin, and make you feel far healthier.

Walnuts are an excellent food source that is high in Omega 3 fatty acids and incredibly beneficial as a natural anti aging product. These delicious nuts can help you to protect your skin from free radicals, and UV damage. This is one of the leading causes of skin to look older than it is, and make you appear tired and worn.

Avocados are often dismissed as having far too much fat; however, they are an excellent source of vitamins, especially vitamin E. This is the vital vitamin that helps you to maintain healthy, younger skin, and ensure that you have a balanced diet.

Olive Oil has been used for decades all over the world, with amazing results for everyone including people of an older age. The monounsaturated fats that are present in olive oil are fantastic for a number of health benefits, including younger looking skin.  Age related diseases are helped with the high level of anti oxidants, which are present.

Turkey is a surprising food that many people dismiss; however, it is an excellent source of protein, without the grease and fat and should be eaten far more. The protein which is present in the turkey will help your body to absorb nutrients and keep your skin refreshed.

Chocolate is something that everyone thinks is bad, however, drinking cocoa is prove to reduce heart rate, stress levels and anxiety. All of which can cause premature aging, which is what you want to avoid. Cocoa is rich in flavanols, which are excellent to maintain healthy blood vessels, and keep you youthful.

Leafy green vegetables such as Kale and Spinach are fantastic for a healthier skin, and fuller balance throughout your body. The high levels of vitamin C can help you to prevent a number of different health problems.  Your skin will look and feel younger, smoother, and far healthier, which is the key element to keeping fit and well.

Seafood is an excellent choice when searching for the best foods to help with your anti aging process. There are several different fish to choose, however, the ones that are high in Omega £ fatty acids are ideal. Salmon, sardines and other oily fish are perfect and can easily be included in your daily diet.

Whole grains are available in many different foods and can be eaten at any time of the day, including breakfast, lunch and dinner. Whether you choose to eat cereals, or brown rice the whole grain will benefit your body and skin. You will maintain your weight, and prevent gaining those extra pounds that can affect the way your skin appears.

Blueberries are packed full of nutrients, anti oxidants and are delicious to have as a snack or as part of a dessert. The anti oxidants that are present will help your body to combat the free radicals that can affect your skin and the way that it ages.

This post was contributed by Forest Healthcare; specializing in care homes, nursing homes and residential homes for the elderly

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I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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