Our REAL Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera

Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera | www.thepeachkitchen.com

Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera | www.thepeachkitchen.com

I realized I’m not a fan of heavy breakfasts. Although I occasionally give in to whims of TapSiLog, CornSiLog, ToSiLog and any other SiLogs I could think of, I very much prefer having bread and eggs for breakfast. I don’t know why but it seems like the perfect breakfast match for me.

And because I fell in love with the Caprese Bruschetta from our first night’s dinner, I decided I want a variation of that bruschetta for breakfast. They have a Tasty Bruschetta on the menu and it says there that it was made with olives, anchovies and parmesan cheese. I ordered it and have them add mozzarella because I want it gooey.

Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera | www.thepeachkitchen.com

-having coffee-

Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera | www.thepeachkitchen.com

Ykaie had her second round of Fried Liempo/Pork Belly for breakfast because she wasn’t able to eat much the night before….

Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera | www.thepeachkitchen.com

fried liempo and garlic rice…mmmmmmmm

Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera | www.thepeachkitchen.com

Sis, a great fan of TapSiLogs and one that orders TapSiLog just so she could try the version in that area, ordered one for breakfast.

Breakfast at El Cañonero, Puerto Galera | www.thepeachkitchen.com

And of course, Rome had CornSiLog.

Breakfast the previous day was simple and mostly filled with the sight, sound and smell of  saltwater and the sand. It almost reminded me of the beach house I saw in the magazine at the lobby area which looked like a house at the Hamptons.

Breakfast on our second day is filled with mostly our favorite morning eats….

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3 Responses

  1. I like to have rice for breakfast on some days, but not every day of the week, because I want to maintain my normal triglyceride level. Hubby eats rice for breakfast only during weekends because he’s on a diet, too. Of the breakfast meals you had, I’d prefer the cornsilog, and I know my hubby would choose either the fried liempo or the tapsilog. 

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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