A Gift From The Fairy Hobmother

Yes! You read it right.

The Appliances Online Fairy Hobmother has visited my blog and has given me a special gift!

How did it happen? Well, a week ago, I dropped by Amy’s Blog, u Try.it and left a comment there. The Fairy Hobmother has just visited her and granted her a special wish.

Now who is the Fairy Hobmother? Well, he’s out there hopping from one blog to another, spreading love and happiness by granting lucky commenters their wishes.

I’m getting myself a pretty Cheese Board and something else which, I’m sure, you will see later in this blog.

Now, I’m sharing with you the chance to be visited by the Fairy  Hobmother. Just LEAVE A COMMENT on this post and make a wish. Who knows? he might drop by your blog tonight and grant your wish!

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14 Responses

  1. Wow that’s so nice of the Fairy Hobmother! I don’t know if the Fairy Hobmother would be able to grand my wish of having an oven so that I could finally learn how to bake 😛 If not, then a microwave oven would do (yeah we don’t have one *sob*)

  2. wow.. that is wonderful for  Fairy Hobmother to do such a sweet thing.. Well, if the  Fairy Hobmother is kind enough to give me a kitchen showcase, that would be lovely.. We ae moving soon and I actually need a new set of kitchen appliance– microwave, food processor, coffee maker and oven.. I wish I could buy all of them but budget is kinda low as moving into a new home is quite financially draining.. If not  Fairy Hobmother or myself can provide them this month though, I can always buy them one at a time.. Wishing wont hurt, so there.. But again, if I do not get any, it’s okay.. Congratz to whoever gets her wish granted.. Teehee..  

  3. wow, that is so kind of the fairy hobmother to do that, if i were to have one wish, i hope i can have an oven at home so i can get more inspiration to cook often 😀

  4. Ooh! ooh! You are so lucky! If the Fairy Hobmother chooses me, I would like a microwave – ours is so old (13 years old now!) and it used to be white – but now I’m not sure. More yellowish! LoL. Thanks!

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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