Some of the Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon

Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon

As expected, there were many people during the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban Quezon… there are also many food vendors in the street selling local delicacies.

Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon: Pancit Habhab |

The most popular streetfood of course, is Pancit Lucban better known as Pancit Habhab . As the name implies, it is pancit or noodles made with rice flour, stir fried and mixed with vegetables, shrimp and pork and sometimes lechon. Habhab refers to the manner it is eaten. The noodles is served on a rectangular cut banana leaf which acts as a makeshift plate, then you must eat it using only your mouth {without the use of any utensils}.But before you do that, you must add a sprinkling of cane vinegar.

I took home some noodles from Lucban with a promise to try and cook pancit habhab at home….

Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon: Pilipit |

Lucban’s Pilipit is far from the braided hard pilipit of Manila. Theirs is made with sticky rice and squash  and then fried with brown sugar like banana cue.

Ykaie eating Lucban's Pilipit |

For ₱5 each, I’m sure you’re gonna love it! Here’s Ykaie and Cyra trying it out…..

Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon |

Fried Chicken Skin and Fried Chicken Instestones (isaw) |

On the way from the church, we spotted some of our favorite streetfood: Fried Chicken Skin and Fried Chisken Intestines….pour in a sprinkling of spicy vinegar and we’re good to go….

Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon | Longganisang Lucban |

There are many versions of longganisa but Lucban’s verison is one of the most popular and is actually one of our family’s favorite. It’s garlicky, made with pimenton and without sugar. I think they also set it out for  sometime to ferment a little, hence the hint of sourness in its taste.

Would you believe that sis bought five dozens of longganisa and made it fit inside her big bag. Yup..and we still have a dozen of these left in the freezer. But we bought ours at Eker & Ely.

Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon |

This is usually what you bring home from Lucban, but I was surprised to see it being sold on the street……as grilled longganisa….

Streetfood During the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban,Quezon : Lechon |

I was also surprised to see Lechon being sold on the street…

so surprised that I bought half a kilo and brought it to our hotel to eat for dinner…

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12 Responses

  1. Wow…so interesting the street food, and the girls are adorable 🙂
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

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I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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