Goodbye Year of the Horse and Welcome to the year of the Wooden Sheep!

It was Chinese New Year yesterday and we had this Orange Chicken Wings inspired by the Chinese Orange Chicken. As usual, I read what’s instore for us in the coming year..

“In 2015 life will be a win-win situation for you; after all, this period will be controlled by your patron the Wooden Sheep (Ram, Goat). You’ll be lucky practically in everything and everywhere starting with minor household matters and finishing with your cherished dreams and wishes. If you’ve been begging God to give you love, full wallet and health for your family, then you shouldn’t even have the slightest doubt that you’ll get it all – the Ram will first pour chocolate all over its own life and help other signs afterwards. If you want to get a better picture of how lucky you’ll be, simply think of yourself as a kid who got a whole toy store as a birthday gift. However, the horoscope forewarns you: some efforts will still have to be made in order for you to achieve life success.

Looks like it’s gonna be a lucky year for us born in the Year of the Sheep. I’m already thankful for every blessing that we received last year specially moving into our new home and peanutbutter coming home for good. I was sad when I had an Anembryonic Pregnancy during the middle of the year but I guess it wasn’t just meant to be. I got pregnant again after a month and now I am halfway through my pregnancy. Yay!

Speaking of the five-month old bun in my oven… We listened to her heartbeat today.

She’s really very active. I can feel her doing somersaults inside my tummy and during the most quiet times of the day too!  My doctor said I can have an ultrasound anytime .. I’m very excited and thinking of having it next week together with peanutbutter and Ykaie. Ykaie is very excited to know whether she’s gonna have a brother or a sister. I will definitely keep you posted and we just might have a “Guess My Baby’s Gender Giveaway” here soon.


Orange Chicken Wings

  • Author: Peachy Adarne



Wing It!

  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 kg chicken wings, cleaned
  • cooking oil for frying

Orange-y Orange Sauce

  • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup orange marmalade
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch dissolved in 2 tbsp water


  1. Pour 1 cup of cornstarch into a Plate and beat eggs in a shallow bowl
  2. Dip chicken wings (one by one) into the beaten eggs and then dredge each wing in the cornstarch. Place chicken wings onto a large plate or baking sheet and set aside.
  3. Pour cooking oil into your frying pan and wait until hot.
  4. While the oil is getting hot, whisk together all the ingredients for the sauce except the cornstarch in a small saucepan. Bring sauce to a slight boil, reduce heat to low and continue to simmer while frying the chicken.
  5. Fry chicken wings in 3 batches until fully cooked through and golden brown.
  6. Place fried wings onto a paper towel-lined plate.
  7. While the last batch of wings is frying, whisk cornstarch mixture into the orange sauce and heat until thickened.
  8. Pour sauce over the fried wings in the bowl and toss to fully cover all of the wings.
  9. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped scallions before serving.
  10. Serve with steaming hot rice.

Did you make this recipe?

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112 Responses

  1. I hope your baby stays healthy inside you. Can’t wait to find out if the gender of your baby. I love chicken wings btw.

  2. Peachy,
    Congratulations on your growing wee one! I wish you a safe and healthy pregnancy–it is magical to hear that heartbeat and feel the gymnastics.
    This chicken looks like a wonderful way to use the plentiful citrus that’s available now.

  3. I tried orange chicken before, but it was too saucy and sour..:( Okay, I will try version naman.:) I tried your curry eh before, my kids loved it! 🙂

  4. Wow, Peachy, 5 months along already? Exciting times! 😀 Those chicken wings look soooooo good. I love reading your recipes! Can’t wait to make this for the boys.

  5. Is the taste similar to Lemon Chicken? Or it seems like it’ll be sweeter.
    This year, in general, is said to be peaceful and light. Goodluck with the pregnancy and I wish you a safe delivery in the nearer future.

  6. I am trying your recipe Mommy Peachy, this is something my bunch would enjoy. I love that there is ginger in it, I think it makes every dish so delicious!

    (Out of topic) Oii tisbun ka pala, congrats!

  7. Those wings look unbelievable delicious! We love wings in my household. I’ve made orange chicken boneless and they were so so good. Need to try your recipe out and let you know 🙂

  8. Yum this looks and sounds incredible. I love orange chicken but never had chicken wings and I’ve never made them myself!

  9. Aw how adorable that you heard your babys heartbeat, I cannot wait to experience motherhood for myself in the near future. Now this recipe looks absolutely delicious and I’m not normally a fan of orange chicken. It’s such a rarity to find quality orange chicken unfortunately, but maybe I should just start making my own.

  10. Looks like an easy recipe to follow. We tried something like this before but we used Lemon instead of Oranges. It’s a bit strong for our taste so I will try the orange next time.

  11. My son loves orange chicken. It’s what he always picks up at the Chinese buffet. Thanks for the recipe. I printed it right away.

  12. I was just saying yesterday i wanted some chicken wings. These look amazing. I will have to try this recipe this weekend.

  13. Congrats on the bun in the oven which is a blessing itself. It sounds like you guys have an amazing year ahead, happy New Year!

  14. omg these wings look delicious! My hubby and I have been on a homemade chicken wing kick latkey…. Might have to add orange to the list of wing flavors to try!

  15. Mmmm, this really made my stomach grumble. My boyfriend knows a recipe for perfect fried rice that I think would pair very well with this! I will definitely pass this on to him. Thanks for sharing!

  16. This one looks really good. favorite ko talaga ang chicken wings but never tried it with orange sauce. It’s time to try this one. Thanks for sharing this!

  17. Thanks po sa pgshare nito mommy peach masarap po ito healthy din with orange fruit 😇😊 matry din po ito 💞

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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