KFC + Clover Chips = KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken

KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken

KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken

To tell you the truth I did not see this coming.

My favorite chicken and one of my favorite local chips together in once single bite? Unbelievable.

I’ve got to hand it to KFC for coming up with a twist to their original chicken flavors that will surely tickle your tastebuds and tease your imagination.

This time they paired up with Leslie’s Clover Chips to bring us the KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken.

I was really surprised when it was delivered at home. I found a large Clover Chips packet inside a KFC bucket….

KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken

Inside were six crispy pieces of the new KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken!

The chicken is specially marinated and then covered with real Clover Chips cheese bits. It’s like satisfying both your cravings for chicken and chips! You can enjoy this new unique creation with country gravy, chicken rice, and a side of mashed potato with corn and gravy.

I find this new creation very unique but I also find it a bit sweet for my liking. I love munching on Clover Chips because it’s salty so I’m kinda wondering where is that sweetness coming from. I also like it without the country gravy. I know, I know — I’m one of those people who eats KFC gravy like it’s soup and not sauce. It’s a bit alarming that I want to eat this chicken without it’s gravy. Hmmmnn…

I’d eat KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken one more time and then I’d probably go back into eating my hot and crispy.

KFC and V-Cut, anyone?

KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken

If you have a creation of your own in mind, you can  tweet KFCPhilippines and send in your own #KFCCoCreations entries. Who knows, you might make that co-creation come to life.

For more information about the KFC Crispy Cheese Chicken, you can visit KFC Facebook Page OR follow KFC on Twitter.

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20 Responses

    1. I think this is only available locally here in the Philippines. I think they should come up with KFC Doritos there or something.

  1. This recipe is very interesting. I have never thought that chips can be a prime ingredient to bread that chicken. 🙂

  2. this really looks interesting but i have yet to try it. i like Clover Chips as it is not as salty as the other chips around + I am really intrigued at how it will taste together with KFC Chicken.

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I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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