Kabigting’s Halo-Halo

Kabigting's Halo-Halo

Kabigting's Halo-Halo

I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about Kabigting’s Halo-Halo for quite sometime now and I know that their store is located somewhere in Banawe Avenue. But for some reason, I couldn’t seem to make myself go there. For me, going to an area I don’t frequent or regularly go is just not a thing, specially if I’m the only one who is into it — and of course, parking is an issue with me..LOL!

Banawe Ave. is well known for car parts and accessories. If it’s something you can find in a car or something you’d like to put in your car, whether brand new or not, you’re sure to find it somewhere along this avenue. Boys will be boys, I know sooner or later peanutbutter will be taking ianne A. (yes, that’s the name of our car) there for something.

And I was right! The other day, peanutbutter and I took ianne A. at Gold Cars for a back sensor. We He also bought a lock for our steering wheel. He was like a kid in a candy store and it was entertaining watching him window shop…LOL!

Anyway, we passed by Kabigting’s on the way. Since we just ate at that time, I told him we should stop by when we come back. I’m absolutely sure we’ll be coming back..heehee.

Kabigting's Halo-Halo

Last sunday, Sis treated us at Causeway for an early dinner because it was her birthday last friday. Dessert was also on her. Where else but Kabigting’s Halo-Halo, of course!

The usual Halo-Halo offers a variety of ingredients like Macapuno, sweetened banana, tapioca, sweetened camote, ube, pinipig, gelatin, nata de coco, and monggo. Kabigting’s version of Halo-Halo, only has three ingredients: Mashed beans, corn kernels, and Pastillas made from Carabao’s Milk topped by finely shredded ice. The pastillas alone had me intrigued — I love a good pastillas!

Kabigting’s Halo-Halo is proof that you don’t really need a lot of ingredients to make Halo-Halo delicious. Those three ingredients tasted really good combined together and it’s not overly sweet. The only problem is that the ice melted too quickly because it’s too fine.

I wish there’s more pastillas, though. I wonder if you can order extra?

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One Response

  1. gusto ko tuloy ng halo halo! i never really appreciated halo halo as a child, i would get one but just drink the purpled milk. I only ate the sago and hated everything else. But now, I even eat the beans!

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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