Calamansi Bars on Brown Butter Shortbread

Calamansi Bars

These Calamansi Bars are the perfect balance of tangy and sweet ….. with a nice, caramelly shortbread crunch.

Calamansi Bars on Brown Butter Shortbread

There has been some serious cravings for sour things in our house lately. I don’t think I’ll be calmly easing into my third trimester. This is the time in my pregnancy when I seem to have cravings for all things carb-y, fatty, sweet, sour, salty, and delicious!

But let me start with the sour things first… these beautiful Calamansi Bars are just perfect. I normally have this strong preference for citrusy (and sour) flavors but these days I prefer them to be a bit more tangy than  usual.

Calamansi Bars on Brown Butter Shortbread

I made it with these beautiful Calamansi (Calamondin) I saw in the market. I wanted it super tangy, so I put in one cup of Calamansi juice –err, maybe a little more.

It was actually fine by my sour-o-meter standards but when I let peanutbutter, my mom, and a friend try it, they told me it was too sour.. So I’ve adjusted my recipe to a normal person’s level, hee.

Calamansi Bars on Brown Butter Shortbread

Ykaie wanted to watch Cinderella but I told her we’ll watch it next week because there’ll be a lot of people at the mall this weekend. So, our weekend plans includes a Game of Thrones Season 4 marathon with peanutbutter (in preparation for Season 5). Cartoon marathon with Ykaie and reviewing her for final exams on monday, tuesday, and wednesday.

Yay! last day of school on wednesday and then it’s Summer break. What are your plans?

Making these irresistible Calamansi Bars reminded me of how much I love the unique citrusy flavor of Calamansi. I am reminded of this Calamansi Curd and Calamansi Marmalade I made years back….

Hope you have the happiest weekend!


Calamansi Bars on Brown Butter Shortbread

  • Author: Peachy Adarne



For the Brown Butter Crust

  • 1/2 cup powder sugar
  • 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup butter, softened
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Calamansi Filling

  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 3/4 cup calamansi juice
  • 6 eggs + 1 egg yolk
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • powder sugar for dusting


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F (175C) and butter a 9 x 13 in baking pan.
  2. To make the crust, sift the icing sugar, flour, and salt into the bowl of your stand mixer. With the paddle attachment, mix on a low speed to combine.
  3. Brown the butter by cooking it long enough to “toast”
  4. Add the butter and mix just until a dough forms. Put the dough in the pan and press it evenly into the base.
  5. Bake the crust about 30-35 minutes, until it evenly colors and is a deep golden brown.
  6. While the crust is baking, make the filling. Combine the flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Add the calamansi juice and mix to dissolve the sugar.
  7. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and the egg yolk with salt. Add the eggs into the lemon and sugar mixture and whisk until well combined.
  8. Once the crust is golden, pull the oven rack out of the oven slightly and pour the filling into the crust while it is still in the oven.
  9. Reduce the oven temperature to 300 F (145C) and bake for 30 minutes or until the center is just set.
  10. Allow the bars to cool completely, then chill well in the fridge before cutting. Dust with icing sugar before serving.

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141 Responses

    1. Di ko maimagine kung gaano kasarap itong tinapay na to mommy..Ngayon lang po ako nakakita ng tinapay na ang main ingredient ay Kalamamsi..Kaya nakakacurious

  1. I’m a fan of lemon bars but this one looks enticing as well, if not entirely similar. Would love to try this one day!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Hello, I cam across your blog on food gawker and I just want to say that your photos are absolutely beautiful! I’ve never heard of calamansi before but these look delicious so I will try and get my hands on them. Thanks, Hollie

  3. Gusto ko rin nito! I’ll try to make my own this Holy Week. Grabe, dami ko nakikita blogs posting about calamansi and lemon bars. Uso ata kasi summer. 🙂

  4. Nothing beats a little Game of Thrones Season 4 marathon (I can’t wait for the new season!) That shortbread looks AMAZING! Seriously, so yummy <3

  5. Ooh, these look so good! I like things sour myself, so I may have to up the juice a little bit (but not too much so that others will help me eat them). 😀

  6. I have never heard of that fruit, I assume it is like a lime? They look delicious, if I can find them I’m going to try the recipe. Thanks!

  7. Oddly, your post made me think of Becky’s Kitchen, KL, and Boracay. Your calamansi bars looks wickedly good and I’m sure they taste delish. I should give it a shot one of these days.

  8. They look so yummy! I love desserts like this! They look like the one’s from Toby’s estate coffee shop. They call it Calamansi Pie you might like it, its super sour but probably just the way you like it 😀

  9. Calamunding is what we call here in our place for Calamansi. We’re used to this Vitamin C rich fruit. We mix it in a cold water for a juice. We take its juice to mix with a Suman o Pancit to make them too tasty and delicious. Now this is new Calamansi bars on brown butter. I will let my wife prepare this. I want to try and find out how it taste.

  10. It looks really good! Is it like lemon bars? (I haven’t made lemon bars so I don’t really know the procedure) but I’ve tasted them. I’m interested to try this out.

  11. Something new and different is what I’m always looking for, and I’m afraid these are it. Hubby would love this. I’m going to definitely have to try them. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I wonder why I like sour food when I was younger and not so much today. Game of Thrones are not for kids, I am relieved that your kids watched a different movie. I wonder how the bread tastes, hmmm..

  13. Thanks for the recipe Peachy! Will add this to my must bake list and let you know. This will be an alternative to my Lemon Bars 🙂

  14. I’ve never heard of this before, which I think is pretty cool! Shortbread is like ‘polvoron’ right? We actually run a family business called ‘Polvoron King’. You can check it out on FB if you like 🙂

  15. I’m scared of trying to bake again (after a few fails from my past experiences). The pictures you have here make me want to try this recipe!

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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