5-Day Meal Plan Using US Potatoes #USPotatoPower

Early this week, I read about a 150kg man who ate an all potato diet for a year and then lost half his body weight. I know it might go against our lifelong belief that potatoes are not healthy but they really are. US potatoes are excellent source of vitamin C, a good source of potassium (more than a banana!), vitamin B6, and is naturally fat, sodium, and cholesterol free.It contains a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity.

It really all boils down to how we prepare our potatoes and of course, the serving size. But even though US potatoes are super healthy, majority of people wouldn’t survive an all-potato diet. We all know that everything in excess is not good. It has to be in moderation and balance.

So today, I’m sharing with you an example of a weekly menu plan I make for my family.

Weekly Menu Plan

It’s is 5-Day Meal Plan using Frozen US Potatoes, Fresh US Potatoes, and Dehydrated US Potatoes.

Potato Types

Food-Service-Pack (1)

Frozen US Potatoes – You know how much we love Frozen US Potatoes. It comes in different varieties and is easily available in leading supermarkets nationwide. Some of the cuts available are frozen half shells, wedges, slices, straight cuts, crinkle cuts, loop/curly or popularly known as twister fries, lattice/basket and mojos.

Fresh US Potatoes – US fresh potatoes are carefully grown by family farms and follow strict guidelines set by the US seed certification system to ensure that every potato product is high quality. U.S. potato growers rely on highly scientific techniques for monitoring soil, water content and plant nutritional needs.


Dehydrated US Potatoes – (Or Instant Mashed Potatoes) Available US dehydrated potato products in the Philippines are the US standard potato flakes which are perfect for baking or creating mashed potatoes.

When you buy U.S. high-quality dehydrated potatoes, you are getting real potatoes, just with the water removed. U.S. dehydrated potato products deliver all the flavor, nutrition and versatility of potatoes in a more convenient package – and are the perfect ingredient for everything from soups and salads to main dishes and desserts.

5-Day Meal Plan Using US Potatoes #USPotatoPower

Dehydrated US Potatoes are great for making mashed potatoes when you’re pressed for time. I used it to make these delectable Salmon Cakes which I paired with salad.

While the Mojos Potatoes I paired with Creamy Mushroom Garlic Chicken.

Will share with you the recipes on my next posts, promise.

To know more about US Potatoes drop by the US Potatoes Facebook Page.

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17 Responses

  1. I have been meal planning for a few months now and I love it. I am always looking for new ideas. I will have to give this one a try. Potatoes are a big hit in my house.

  2. I also love adding potatoes in my daily or weekly meal. They have superpowers that is good to my digestion. And also easy to source.

  3. Nice you addressed the potato isn’t good for a person when it really is. Meal planning saves time and money.

  4. I’ve never seen those Mojos potatoes, but it would definitely be convenient for a meal. I have used dehydrated potatoes before, especially when I’m sick and don’t have time or energy to cook and I want something a little nourishing.

  5. Wow, I never thought of having potato diet. I am surprised about that man. I need to learn more about this. I love potatoes and if I can make use of it for a healthy diet, the better. Will look forward on your recipe as well.

  6. We love potatoes in our house. I never thought about using Dehydrated potatoes for Salmon patties. I bet they taste delicious!

  7. I love potatoes! Sometimes when I do not want a full dinner I have a baked potato and that is plenty to fill me up!

  8. I absolutely love potatoes! We have been eating them a lot lately because my mom had mouth surgery and mashed potatoes are all she can handle!

  9. I had a chance to cook with US Potatoes too. I loved the quality. I especially loved using the frozen ones. They still taste so fresh once you cook them.

  10. I love potatoes and I didn’t realize there were so many different ways to cook them. I’m always looking for new ideas so I’ll give this meal plan a try.

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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