Valentine’s Day Breakfast in Bed for Ykaie

Valentine's Day Breakfast in Bed for Ykaie |

Judging from the photos of bouquets and chocolates in my Facebook timeline, I’m guessing your Valentine’s Day went well– and I suppose so were the florists, the chocolatiers and the chocolate makers. Everybody had a great day yesterday. Unlike the DIY Valentine’s Movie Night last year,  I wasn’t able to prepare something fancy .

Valentine's Day Breakfast in Bed for Ykaie |

To make Ykaie feel the love in the air and how special Valentine’s Day is, I just prepared a breakfast in bed for her. Nothing fancy of course, just whole wheat pancakes cut out into hearts and strawberries to match the theme. I also put some message into her bananas.

Ykaie and her Valentine's Day Breakfast in Bed |

She was surprised and was very happy about the set-up and the breakfast in bed. She even knew when I planned the whole thing! Of course, because she was happy and she loved what I prepared, I was elated.

I still wish I prepared it for both peanutbutter and Ykaie, though.

Anyway, I took a photo of Ykaie holding that red heart cushion on a stick, it’s kind of a tradition. I’ll tell you more about that later.

Ykaie eating the heart-shaped pancakes |

Ykaie loves Romantic Comedies and I let her watch, with my supervision so that I can explain the scenes that needs explaining. Yesterday, our Valentine’s movie was 13 Going on 30. If you can remember, 13 Going on 30 is a 2004 American romantic comedy fantasy film starring Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. It’s about a a 13 year old girl who played a game on her 13th birthday and wakes up the next day as a 30 year old woman.

I remembered I love this movie and Mark Ruffalo is cute in this movie…LOL!

Ykaie and that Heart-On-a-Stick

We bought that heart-on-a-stick to take a photo of Ykaie on her first Valentine’s Day in 2008 ( she was born in November 2007). We dressed her up in red on February 14, 2008 and let her hold this heart-on-a-stick which we bought for ₱20 at the market.

Then we did it again the following year in February 14, 2009. Ykaie was more than one year old in this photo and is a bit playful now.

I missed taking a photo in 2010, I don’t know why.

But by February 14, 2011, I made sure, she’s also dressed up in red and holding that heart-on-a-stick…

This is from February 2012, just before we went on our Valentine’s Date at Ilustrado Restaurant.

Last year, I can’t seem to find this heart-on-a-stick so I wasn’t able to take a photo. I found it last October among Ykaie’s other costume. So, we are back on track in our Valentine’s tradition!

Do you have any tradition during Valentine’s Day?

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27 Responses

  1. Your daughter is so cute sis. Nice to see that you have a photo of her each year. Inggit ako 🙁 I missed doing that with my kids.

  2. We don’t celebrate Valentine’s day hahaha. It is maybe because everyday is hearts day for us (ang OA hahaha) Ykaie is so cute, sinong kamukha?

  3. My tradition on the other hand is the Heart Shaped Pancake!! So same tau ng ginawa on V-day! I make a special breakfast for the family! Its to show that Valentines and love on V-day is not only for lovers but also for family and friends.. Also, Breakfast for me is one of the sweetest dates! hahaha =) Belated!!

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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