Pineapple Cream Cheese Spread

I’d like to think that we have finally built a system around here every single day.

I make things. Take yummy pictures of those things I make. And then post it in this little part of the world wide web.

And then you come to visit me and check those things that I made which, I think, you either make or think of making in the near future….

…like 5 years from now…LOL!..Just kidding.

If only I can show you what happens in the background as I made this delicious cream cheese spread, you’d probably think I’m crazy.

Just to give you a refresher, I made this for my little girl’s Luau Party in Puerto Galera wherein I had to ride a taxi, a bus and a ferry boat just to get there.

…and this is not the only thing that I made.

So I had to wake up at around 4am to fry the burgers for the Aloha Burgers and the Soy-Ginger Porkchops. I also made the cheese spread and cut the top of my not-so-fresh pineapple. The cheese spread went into a small plastic bag, safely tucked inside a plastic container together with the tomato, onion, parsley and a teeny-weeny bag of salt for the pineapple salsa.

The top of the pineapple went together with my clothes. Yup, it’s that important. I treated it like a diamond. I had to make sure it was comfortable during the long ride.

Hey, I can see you are raising an eyebrow there! Don’t judge me. I know it’s quite crazy, let me continue..

The taxi ride from our home to the bus station is around 45 minutes to one hour.

Then we had to wait for my cousin Rome who gets off from work that morning and meet us at the bus station –that’s plus 20 minutes.

Bus ride from station to the pier is  around 1½ hours.

Ferry Boat from pier to the beach is another 1½ hours.

When we got to the beach, I chilled the spread using a block of ice. I put the plastic bag on top of it and waited until it gets all chilled up…

But I’m sure you’ll make this at home so you won’t have to endure all those things I did.

..and without further ado, here’s the recipe…..

Pineapple Cream Cheese Spread


Pineapple Cream Cheese Spread

inspired by The Healthy Foodie


  • 8 oz/1 pack cream cheese
  • 1 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple or 1 small can of crushed pineapple
  • 1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 2 celery rib, finely chopped
  • ¼ cup chopped parsley
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • pinch of cayenne pepper
  • pinch of salt
  • 3040 perfect pecan halves to make the pineapple effect
  • Crackers or bread slices for dipping


  1. Cut the top off your pineapple and cut it in half lengthwise. Keep that in the fridge until you are ready to use it.
  2. Squeeze juice out of chopped pineapple before mixing it with the cream cheese or else spread will become watery.
  3. Using a mixer or a fork, combine pineapple, cream cheese, bell pepper, celery, parsley, cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper.
  4. Chill cream cheese mixture for a couple of hours before serving to let flavors marry. It’s even much better if you’ll make this ahead, say, for tomorrow’s event.
  5. In a plate, shape cream cheese mixture in a hump that resembles half a pineapple.
  6. Place pineapple top at the top end of the hump- shaped cheese.
  7. Layer the pecan halves, starting at the bottom, and keep shingling until you get to the top. Or you can start at the top, whichever way works best for you.

Did you make this recipe?

Share a photo and tag me @thepeachkitchen — I can't wait to see what you've made!



You know what else happened today?

I attended the best party ever!

I met 49 of the best mom bloggers in the flesh! What an inspiration!

And they are all so beautiful too!

My day has been  amazing…..{sigh}

I came home with pretty much four bags filled with a variety of mommy goodies and I love lve love them all!

Now, I think I’m beginning to like parties. Hmmmnnn…….that’s weird.

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17 Responses

  1. ooohh waahh! A luau party in Puerto Galera!   I’m sure Ykaei so enjoyed that…she’s so blessed to have you as a mom!

  2. I think I am one of those guilty readers who want to do it but actually plan on doing it in the next 5 years hahaha! I am that useless in the kitchen. But I love looking at yummy food photographs and dreaming that I can make those someday. Maybe someday. 😀

  3. That pineapple top really travelled first class 😀 I love the way you present the spread , it looks unique and really goes well with Ykaei’s laua party . Just love the recipe , will try it maybe this Christmas 😉

  4. Sosyal ng pineapple top! Parang Chiquita Banana lang – first class sa barko para di ma-bruise! Hehe.

  5. I have to make a cheese ball tonight and I sure wish I had a pineapple.  That is not only really cute but it looks like it is so tasty.

  6. hi peachkins,  your story about you taking the cab, boat and bus to go to your daughter’s birthday party is very touching, i really respect you dear…but i could not put comment at that time, cos my net on low reception.
    this is another yummy looking treat .. never tried pineapple cream cheese before.

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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