Smokin’ With Meco Charcoal Water Smoker And Grill

Meco Charcoal Water Smoker And Grill

Meco Charcoal Water Smoker And Grill

Have I told you we bought a smoker? Yes. It happened several weeks ago when we chanced upon this Meco Charcoal Water Smoker and Grill on sale at Landers Superstore. peanutbutter and I had been wanting to try smoking for the longest time and our grill recently bid us goodbye. It is but natural for us to fall in love at first sight and take this home with us.

Smokin' With Meco Charcoal Water Smoker And Grill

Aside from smoking the longanisa we used to sell when I was a child in a homemade drum with an old wok filled with charcoal at the bottom, my experience in smoking is little to none. No thermometer was used, no wood chips. Just plain old charcoal.

This time, with Meco Charcoal Water Smoker and Grill , it’s different, feeling pro smoker kami…LOL. Feeling lang.

Smokin' With Meco Charcoal Water Smoker And Grill

Aksheli, I left everything to peanutbutter since he’s the one who is really interested in smoking — I’m just after the cooked meat… hahaha.. This time eating part lang ang gusto ko. We bought our wood from Wilcon Depot and that time that we were there, the only available wood is Hickory. We thought it’s a pretty common smoking wood naman so I guess it’s okay for noob smokers like us.

Smokin' With Meco Charcoal Water Smoker And Grill

The first thing we bought for smoking are pork ribs. I made a quick dry rub and we smoked it for just 2.5 hours. Then we basted it with store-bought barbecue sauce. It tuned out pretty okay. The meat was juicy and tender but it was too smoky.

Well, I guess we still have a long way to go when it comes to smoking and we’ll  try it out differently next time. peanutbutter has been watching a lot of how to’s in youtube so I guess he knows a lot more about smoking.  I’ll also try to be more involved in the smoking process so I can share it with you.

We have a lot of meats to smoke in mind but I guess we’ll be doing that after a couple of months ’cause medyo diet muna kami.. LOL! We subscribed to a diet delivery service. We needed to lose weight and eat healthy.


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6 Responses

  1. My husband loves to smoke meat and I love the eat what he smokes. He bought a pit barrel smoker a couple of years ago and loves it. I’m going to have to shown him this one. Those ribs look awesome!

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter♥. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more →






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